Tag Archives: cycling

Crash Into Me: The Dangers of Cycling

29 Sep

Besides the fun and exercise each of the different types of cycling — transport, recreation and competition — can bring, there are many hazards a rider has must be aware of in order to protect their quality of cycling and life.

Whether going to work, school or shopping, transportation riders are economically sound by not paying at the pump or having to hand over the cash for any other expenses a driver of a car must pay. They are also environmentally sound since pollutants are reduced when riding rather than driving. Transportation biking is especially important when living in a big city for reducing economical and environmental factors, but more hazards may arise than usual when riding in a big city. Usually a rider may be in near the car traffic or on the sidewalk, mixed in with a crowd of people. A rider must watch out for cars that may speed by, cut them off or worse, hit them. Learn more about safety precautions a transportation rider must take from Hudson Valley riders Ken and Sharon Roberts here.

Competition cyclers must have the most stamina with rides lasting several hours or longer following a path that will eventually lead to victory and rest. This type of cycler must have the most bike handling skills to take on winding roads and dodge riders. There can be serious accidents when cyclers crash and sometimes when photographers over-reach their boundaries for their photos. Read what cycler Robbie McEwen ran into when he was in a cycling competition from the L.A. Times here.

The cycler with the least bit of worries for crashes or collisions is the recreational cycler. Recreation cyclers can explore their neighborhood, whether old or new at their own pace. Recreational cycling is also a non-threating, social experience where few ride together to reach their destination instead of many out to win a race. Recreational cyclers also have the advantage of being able to go off-road and not have to worry about the dangers of riding near cars or being in busy traffic. If recreational cycling is done at least two or three times a week there are also great health benefits with the exercise from riding and enjoyment that can be felt mentally or emotionally. It’s important to note that recreational riders must be aware of the dangers of riding at night also, especially on their way back home. To learn more about how to protect yourself at night visit commute by bike, here.

Also, if you ride your bicycle in traffic, read how to stay safe in traffic here.